Welcome to our world, a place where we employ amazing individuals from all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions.


Welcome to our world, a place where we employ amazing individuals from all races, genders, sexual orientations, and religions.

We have a culture where employees can feel appreciated and valued in a work environment which is free from unlawful or unfair discrimination and which values equality and diversity.

The heart of our policy ensures that we treat each other fairly and with dignity and respect, so that we are all free to do something amazing for the company and for ourselves.

The aim of this policy is to encourage harmony and respect amongst individuals, to promote good working practices to maximise performance. We are committed to applying this policy throughout all areas of employment, recruitment and selection, training, development, and promotion. In all situations people will be judge solely on merit or ability. We pursue this commitment by:

  • Employing amazing people from diverse backgrounds irrespective of their sex, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race colour, religion, ethnic or national origin
  • Creating an environment free from discrimination, harassment, or victimisation on the grounds of sex, age marital status or civil partnership, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, colour, belief, religion, ethnic or national origin, pregnancy, employment status or membership or non-membership of a trade union
  • Recognising our legal obligation including those under the Race Relations Act, Sex Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Equality Act, and legislation pertaining to part-time workers
  • Undertaking a periodic review of procedures to maintain a system where our employees are selected, promoted, and treated solely based on their merits and abilities
  • Not tolerating acts which breach this policy. Any breaches of this policy and all instances of such behaviours or alleged behaviour will be taken seriously, and fully investigated and may be subject to company disciplinary procedures
  • Ensuring all our employees make a personal commitment to maintaining this policy and that all line managers and relevant decision makers understand the company policy and their position in law. Appropriate training and guidance will be made available

If any employee believes they have been unfairly treated in anyway associated with this policy, they should raise this matter through the company grievance procedure. This policy statement may be amended from time to time to reflect the changes in law and best practice. It is non-contractual.

Andrew Walker
Managing Director 
Premier Support Services Ltd